Castle Leslie, Co. Monaghan
Hunting Lodge
The extension and refurbishment project at Castle Leslie included the refurbishment of the existing stone clad Hunting Lodge and associated stables to create new hotel accommodation, spa treatment and fitness suites. In addition, a new steel framed function area was constructed with exposed feature timber trusses. Due to the sloping nature of the site, extensive sub-structures were involved to create a level reinforced concrete deck which supports the hotel accommodation above.
Equestrian Centre
These works included the creation of a fully modernised Equestrian Centre with a 50m x 30m steel portal framed arena complete with a reception block and two viewing galleries. The centre is also equipped with 60 blockwork stables, tack rooms and an automatic horsewalker for up to 6 horses.
Stableyard buildings
These works involved the refurbishment of an existing 'L' shaped stone-walled stableyard to convert it into 7 houses. A new 'L' shaped masonry construction of 6 houses created a central internal courtyard garden. The new build required piled foundations and ground beams to support the house due to poor ground conditions with shifting sands.
Related Projects
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Killymeal House, Gasworks, Belfast
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BIH Offices, Belfast
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Colby House, Belfast