Teeside Biomass Plant
Doran Consulting were appointed as Lead consultant for the civils works for Teesside Renewable Energy Plant (Biomass). Located within Port Clarence on the banks of the River Tees, in the North East of England, the facility has the capacity to process 325,000 tonnes of waste wood per year.
As lead consultant for the civils contractor we were responsible for overseeing and leading the design team which included Architects, Fire Engineers, Acoustician’s and Landscape Architects.
Our civil & structural engineering design scope included:
- Site wide drainage strategy and liaison with the Environment Agency
- Process drainage strategy
- Traffic management strategy
- External hardstanding design
- Site wide retaining wall design
- Design of SUDS system
- Design of outfall to River Tees
The structural engineering design scope included the sub-structure design for all buildings (including the boiler hall) and the super-structure design for the following structures:
- Fuel store(62m x 28m wide and 22.5m high – Steel portal frame with two overhead travelling cranes)
- Turbine hall
- (23m x 24m wide x 21m high – Two storey steel portal frame with overhead traveling cranes)
- Workshop and electrical building
- Pump house
- Auxiliary fuel tank bunds
- Step up transformer structure
- Administration building
- Secondary steel, stair and lift core for boiler hall
The Project was designed using MasterSeries and modelled in Revit 2016.Doran Consulting were responsible for collating and co-ordinating the civil contractors design team BIM models (Structural, Civil, Architectural and M&E).