
Doran Consulting’s Laura Carter helps to inspire students

15 December 2015
Laura Carter helps to inspire

Laura Carter visited her old school, Ballyclare High School, to speak to Year 12 students about life as a Civil Engineer.  Laura gave talks to two groups of students who had expressed an interest in Engineering.  The students, all in their GCSE year, are in the process of making decisions about their future studies and career paths.  Laura explained what Civil Engineering entails and gave them a flavour of ‘a day in the life’ of an Engineer. 

The talks were organised through the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) ambassador programme, which aims to help children and students understand how exciting and important civil engineering is.

Laura said, “I was pleased to be able to explain the role of a Civil Engineer to the Year 12 students.  I know that choosing courses and careers paths can be very daunting and I hope I was able to inspire some of the students through my experience.”